2013년 1월 31일 목요일

contemporary korean food - made by. food stylist 정신우

contemporary korean food
 - made by. food stylist 정신우-
The nearness of Korea to Japan and China resulted in much cultural exchange among the three countries. While it is hard to say which of the three countries influenced the other's cuisine first, they all have the following in common:

the five basic flavors or tastes - hot/spicy, sour, sweet, bitter, and salty.
the sensations - hot, cold, and neutral.
the texture - smooth, coarse, and neutral
the touch or feel - soft, hard, and neutral
the physical state - liquid or solid
to the eye - colors, shapes, and arrangement/placement

The many different combinations of these basic elements create additional complex structures that are often described as a whole mouth and sometimes body experience. Royal Cuisines incorporate and harmonize all of the above. Certain foods go together with one another while other types do not. The presentation of the meal is as important as the preparation. The various dishes are presented in a certain order according to temperature, taste, texture, or color, and are arranged by precedence.

Common cuisine, while more utilitarian and with less regard to order, appearance, and precedence, still blend many of the different elements into a whole experience.

Korean meals are generally more heavily seasoned than those of Japan or China, usually with a combination of garlic, ginger, green onions, sesame, soy sauce, and red and black peppers. Fish, meat, and poultry dishes are accompanied by rice and an impressive assortment of small pickled and fresh vegetable, seafood, and meat dishes refered to collectively as Ban Chan (Pan Chan).
Korean meals, drinks, sauces, and seasonings are all intended to harmonize with each other as a whole experience, with individual dishes modified depending on the items that they are to be served with. Rather than being an individually plated meal in the western sense, traditional Korean foods are thought as a table setting, with all items served in harmony with each other, and eaten "family" style.

Korean meals are usually based on rice, noodles, vegetables, meats (including seafood) and tofu. The main dish is normally a shared plate or large bowl accompanied by rice and a number of side dishes (ban chan) and is eaten with a set of wooden, silver or stainless steel chopsticks and a rather long handled but shallow spoon. While modern Korean homes now have a more western kitchen/dining room with high tables and chairs, often meals will be served to a low table with the diners sitting on cushions on the floor.

Typical Table Setting:

- steamed rice for each person, in a small bowl set to the near left of the diner.
- hot or cold soup for each person set to the right of the rice. (Not presented when the main dish is served as a large shared dish)
- a set of silverware (chopsticks and spoon) set to the right of the soup.
- various small dishes of shared ban chan arranged in the center of the table around the main dish (on larger tables duplicate ban chan are placed to each end of the main dish).
- warm or iced grain tea (barley or corn)

Korean Traditional Food - food stylist 정신우

In antiquity, most meat in Korea was likely obtained through hunting and fishing. Ancient records indicate rearing of livestock began on a small scale during the Three Kingdoms period. Meat was consumed roasted or in soups or stews during this period. Those who lived closer to the oceans were able to complement their diet with more fish, while those who lived in the interior had a diet containing more meat.[20]
Beef is the most prized of all meats, with the cattle holding an important cultural role in the Korean home. Beef is prepared in numerous ways today, including roasting, grilling (gui) or boiling in soups. Beef can also be dried into jerky, as with seafood, called respectively yukpo and eopo.[21]
The cattle were valuable draught animals and were regarded more as servants than for consumption. They were also seen as equal to human servants, or in some cases, members of family. Cattle were also given their own holiday during the first 'cow' day of the lunar New Year. The importance of cattle does not suggest Koreans ate an abundance of beef, however, as the cattle were valued as beasts of burden and slaughtering one would create dire issues in farming the land. Pork and seafood were more likely consumed on a more regular basis, due to this issue. The Buddhist ruling class of the Goryeo period forbade the consumption of beef. The Mongols dispensed with the ban of beef during the 13th century, and they promoted the production of beef cattle. This increased production continued into the Joseon period, when the government encouraged both increased quantities and quality of beef.[22] Only in the latter part of the 20th century has beef become regular table fare.
Chicken has played an important role as a protein in Korean history, evidenced by a number of myths. One myth tells of the birth of Kim Alji, founder of the Kim family of Gyeongju being announced by the cry of a white chicken. As the birth of a clan's founder is always announced by an animal with preternatural qualities, this myth speaks to the importance of chicken in Korean culture. Chicken is often served roasted or braised with vegetables or in soups. All parts of the chicken are used in Korean cuisine, including the gizzard, liver, and feet. Young chickens are braised with ginseng and other ingredients in medicinal soups eaten during the summer months to combat heat called samgyetang. The feet of the chicken, called dakbal (닭발), are often roasted and covered with hot and spicy gochujang-based sauce and served as an anju, or side dish, to accompany alcoholic beverages, especially soju.[23][24]
Pork has also been another important land-based protein for Korea. Records indicate pork has been a part of the Korean diet back to antiquity, similar to beef.[25]
A number of foods have been avoided while eating pork, including Chinese bellflower (doraji, 도라지) and lotus root (yeonn ppuri, 연뿌리), as the combinations have been thought to cause diarrhea. All parts of the pig are used in Korean cuisine, including the head, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc. Koreans utilize these parts in a variety of cooking methods including steaming, stewing, boiling and smoking


  Vegetarian cuisine

Vegetarian cookery in Korea may be linked to the Buddhist traditions that influenced Korean culture from the Goryeo dynasty onwards. There are hundreds of vegetarian restaurants in Korea, although historically they have been local restaurants that are unknown to tourists. Most have buffets, with cold food, and vegetarian kimchi and tofu being the main features. Bibimbap is a common vegan dish. Menus change with seasons. Wine with the alcohol removed and fine teas are also served. The Korean tea ceremony is suitable for all vegetarians and vegans, and began with Buddhist influences. All food is eaten with a combination of rather slippery stainless steel oval chopsticks and a long-handled shallow spoon called together sujeo.

kimch - food styling (made by. food stylist 정신우)

Tangy and hot, it’s the accent and counterpoint to a traditional meal of rice and soup, but nowadays, kimchi is turning up in pizzas and burgers, making it a most versatile ingredient, not to mention the test of a good cook. Even bachelors who can hardly cook to survive know how to transform leftover kimchi and rice into sizzling fried rice or bubbling kimchi stew.

The process of making kimchi is an excellent example of how Korean women approach cooking. (Most men never enter the kitchen, and most women learn how to cook only after marrying and under the tutelage of their mothers-in-law.)

Measurements? A handful of this, a pinch of that. Food processors? Bare hands rigorously pound, mash or rub. Fingers are dipped into the sauce for a taste. Seasonings are adjusted drop by drop. The best makers of kimchi are “old hands,” literally, because Korean cooking is very much a manual-intensive labor and the best cooks are said to have a magic touch.

No recipe book can substitute for the year of trial and error necessary to develop tastebuds to detect subtle variations of flavor and the intuition to season accordingly. in the past, all the women who married into one family learned to make kimchi in the same kitchen with their mothers-in-law. The family’s distinctive flavor of kimchi has been handed down through generations.

These days, fewer women have the time or space to make kimchi in the traditional way. With nuclear families now the rule, urban households living in apartments are unable to join together for Gimjang, the annual winter kimchi making during which enough batches are made to last several households all winter. Kimchi used to be stored underground in earthenware jars that aided the fermentation process, but nowadays, special containers and even refrigerators are being developed to allow modern women to make smaller batches all year round.

The easiest and quickest kimchi to make is mul kimchi, or water-kimchi. Slightly sweet and very refreshing, it’s the perfect comlement to heavy, rich dishes. Unlike most other forms of kimchi, this one does not require fermented salt shrimp paste (jeotgal), and is fermented within days.

Becoming an International Favorite

Kimchi is a “great cultural myth from the old dynasty era of ancient Korea…” There is a superbly palate-pleasing kimchi to delight every taste. A global favorite, kimchi is a food that adds zest to all kinds of meals and its appeal cuts across all social, economic, ethnic and geographical boundaries. Kimchi is an exotic, super spicy side dish. While no one is quite sure whether kimchi is a pickle or a salad, its wide range of flavors, types and styles make it a palatable part of an irresistible side-dish, a great appetizer, and a naturally cultured healthy raw vegetable. Kimchi has been served daily with every meal throughout generations of Korea for thousands of years. Kimchi sparkles with the flavor of garlic, ginger, scallions and chilies. Kimchi adds zest to all goods. Kimchi is an excellent contributor to the human body. Unlike other similar foods, kimchi has its own unique nutritional value of promoting health and preventing disease, there is “none better” and it is “well worth” to the human diet.

A study of kimchi history reveals that people were enjoying kimchi’s unique goodness more than 4,000 years ago. In about 2030 B.C. the inhabitants of northern India brought seeds of this vegetable to Mongolia, and the preservation of greens with other vegetables soon became common as cultured raw vegetables. Kimchi is the most versatile food. In Japan and Korea it is served as a side dish. An impressive range of all kinds of kimchi is becoming very popular in America, Hawaii, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and way down under in Australia. Indeed, it is found and enjoyed almost everywhere nowadays. Kimchi is never fickle where flavor is concerned. Its tantalizing taste attracts particular eaters.

In Japan, Korea, and both northwest and southeast Asia, each person munches an average of ten to fifteen kilograms of kimchi a year. In South Korea alone, that is about four hundred tons per year or more of kimchi consumed than any other vegetable.

Currently, kimchi has become a popular health food in the “New World” ever since the first immigrant settled in the Hawaiian Islands and North America from many Asian countries. The kimchi patch provided great emotional comfort to those under exiled conditions far away from their homeland. Kimchi touched and appealed to many ethnic settlers who started making kimchi and spoke enthusiastically its zesty flavors.

Believe in Beauty

In both Eastern and Western history, the most famous femme fatales, Cleopatra and Yang Gyuibee, were devoted eaters of cultured raw vegetables, and believed that cultured raw vegetables had made them more beautiful. Queen Elizabeth was another royal cultured raw vegetable fancier. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty enjoyed this vegetable everyday, and fighting men from the days of Julius Caesar’s troops through the time of Napoleon on up until today have found them a delicious addition to drab soldiers’ meals. During both the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Korean government drafted kimchi into the Korean armed forces diet and earmarked almost 90% of shelf-stable (canned) kimchi production for the Army, Navy and Marines. Going even further back, there is a reference to a sailor’s salted and cultured raw vegetables in the eleventh book of the “Odyssey.”

Kimchi is popular and is becoming more popular. For thousands of years in various forms “the famous and the not-so-famous” have enjoyed its unique ability to please the palate for cultured raw vegetables. Whether or not Cleopatra and Yang Gyuibee were right and this type of vegetable actually made them more beautiful, millions of cultured raw vegetable eaters for countless centuries agree that it has limitless appetite appeal. Everybody’s favorite, it adds sparkle and zest to any food: a sandwich, a salad, a banquet, a snack…. or is delicious when accompanied with rice, noodles and eaten with every main dish as a great functional appetizer or a perfect side dish.

The Humor in Kimchi

Kimchi is a happy and cheerful food and more than a hundred different types of kimchi offer something to appeal to every personality and taste. The Koreans build kimchi awareness with humor, for example, they say “smile with kimchiiiii’s sound!”, instead of “cheese!” when they are taking photographs.

The fine autumnal harvest season is the right time for kimchi making for the long winter months. Every household is customarily and consistently serious in their efforts to preserve the best possible product for the family and other kimchi-fanciers, eaters or adorers in every neighborhood. At the same time, they recognize the nearly unlimited opportunities in keeping people’s awareness of the role of the cheerful kimchi in brightening a meal or a day. Koreans say that the surest way to get an honest laugh is to talk about kimchi. Throughout the nation, many cities, counties, and villages traditionally have their customary events like new-kimchi-festivals, kimchi-fairs and or kimchi making contests, mostly in autumn, when new crops are harvested to celebrate the abundant blessings from God in their happy and healthy lives.

It is believed that a woman’s housekeeping skill or quality is mainly evaluated by “how to make and preserve kimchi best” in their home throughout all generations from ancestors until now. Kimchi is also used as a raw material or an ingredient for a variety of other delicious dishes. Thus, making, preserving, and eating kimchi is a naturally healthy, wealthy food pattern Koreans have cherished and inherited. ‘How to make Kimchi’ for the Korean diet is not merely a proud, but an unavoidable mission to the people and the nation.

Now, kimchi makers are planning to organize an international event, “the World Kimchi Fair” with cooperation between the North & South Korean Ministries of Culture to explore their ancestors’ mythic wisdom of unique food culture in the year 2002 in Seoul, Korea.

Beyond an Exotic Dish

Kimchi is naturally cultured raw vegetable that originated in ancient Korea. Kimchi has been served daily in every household at every meal throughout generations of the nation for thousands of years. Kimchi sparkles with the flavors of garlic, ginger, scallions and chilies. Kimchi adds zest to all foods. Kimchi is an excellent contributor to the human body. Unlike other similar foods, kimchi has its own unique nutritional value of promoting health and preventing disease; there is “none better” and it is “well worth” for the human diet. It adds spice, flavor, and an appetite to meals and joy to living. Cheerful and bright, the flavor-packed kimchi is a friendly favorite that enlivens a meal and lifts the spirits.

The power of kimchi is the power of peaceful, prosperous people who smile while working, instead of laughing at work. Because theirs is an ancient wisdom, Koreans have had an immense opportunity to note what is sound and what is likely to be of enduring value. In addition, since their is the food that has historically brought mankind a chuckle as well as refreshment, they are perhaps a little closer to the well springs of honesty and good cheer. They know that the ability to smile at oneself is a compliment to one’s accomplishments, the reward of reasonable men, and the sign the humanity is in a happy condition.

Kimchi’s Potential

Although kimchi is similar to sauerkraut and other pickled products in its method of fermentation, it differs from them because of the mixed spices and salt concentration that are used. In Korea, kimchi is served as a staple food and many “cooking with kimchi” recipes have appeared during recent years. Kimchi is served in Japan as a “health food.” Thousands of professional scientists are working in kimchi research teams with an industry team functioning along side them.

There is the Kimchi museum, the Kimchi Foundation, the Kimchi Research Institute as well as Kimchi science departments in colleges in Korea. All of these institutions and programs’ approach to research means that overlapping disciplines develop a comprehensive method of coping with research problems.

As many as 500 or more agricultural co-operations, academic institutions, science and technical programs, and big or small private industrial firms throughout the nation co-operate in devising ways to improve the product. Working through state institutions, the research program co-ordinates activities concerned with such aspects as horticultural breeding for better raw materials, quality controls, improving ideal flavor, ensuring shelf stability, culturing and preservation studies, packaging required, postproduction handling, and controls. Changing food patterns created the need for conveniently packed kimchi products. This in turn, required new types of products and completely different packing techniques.

Cabbage Agriculture

One ancient record shows that types of cabbage were introduced into China in the second century B.C. Another record shows more than 40 centuries ago the peripatetic cabbage began a journey that carried the cured raw vegetables from India to every section of the globe except for the Arctic and Antarctic.

A study of the history of kimchi reveals that people have been enjoying some form of cured (fermented by natural process) vegetables, usually cabbage, for more than four thousand years. At about 2030 B.C., the inhabitants of northern India brought cabbage seeds to a valley region in the southern part of China. The preservation of this vegetable in brine became the common throughout China, Mongolia, and the Korean peninsula. However, the particular form of seasoned, then cured, begetable product that is now known as kimchi was developed only in the Korean peninsula.

Long before man began to write a record of history, cured raw vegetables were excited palates and creating tastier meals. Kimchi, a well seasoned traveler, makes friends and sparks appetites wherever it goes. In the beginning, kimchi was introduced overseas only by its own people. During the Korean war however, the UN troops who were stationed in both North and South Korea became kimchi eaters. Then the troops eventually became proponents of kimchi in their own home countries. Kimchi is no longer a mere side dish or condiment for the Korean diet alone.

It has now become a favored super spicy pickle in many countries throughout Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America, as well as in Australia in recent years. Kimchi deserves its popularity because of its unique component of natural flavors: hot, sour, sweet, salty, and spicy aromas. All of these flavors are recognized as basic food tastes, and their inclusion in a single dish is both distinctive and wholesome.

During the war in Vietnam, the South Korean government commissioned scientists to create kimchi for soldiers in a plant near Seoul. In the summer of 1966, “kimchi-in-tin” products were finally shipped and served to the Korean troops in Vietnam. This was the first mass production of kimchi on a modern industrial scale, and was based on scientific research on its long history of kimchi in Korea. The first academic research paper about the science of kimchi, exploration on the phenomenon of kimchi fermentation, the food value of kimchi, and its function to human diet and so forth, was presented to the 2nd. International Conference of Food Science and Technology in Warsaw, Poland, in August 1966. It was also acknowledged as the first original research paper about kimchi in English. Thus, kimchi has been a part of the global cuisine for almost four decades. At present, there are more than 400 industrial kimchi manufacturers in South Korea alone. Although, the exact volume of kimchi production is not known in North Korea, it is probably no less than that of South Korea. Many Koreans acknowledge that the best palatable kimchi has traditionally been produced in certain regions of northern Korea. Pyongyang and Kaesung kimchies were historically graded as the “Gourmet kimchi” of the Korean peninsula from old dynasty era. Although kimchi is is similar to sauerkraut and other cured vegetables in its method of pickling, it differs from them because of the spices and many aromatic vegetables that are used. In Japan, kimchi has been served as a “health food” for more than two decades. In Korea, kimchi is served as ‘the staple’ for centuries and many ‘cooking with kimchi’ recipes have introduced appealing new cuisine in recent years. Coordinated and comprehensive, kimchi industry research consistently improves cultural, pickling, preservation, packing and shipping methods. The result is a superior, mouth watering product of the consumer globally.

An untiring effort to develop the method of modernizing kimchi production from that cottage-industrial scale to a systematically improved manufacturing process in Korea. It has finally achieved a delicacy that is cherished for its pleasantly appetizing super spicy side dish, an exotic pickle of a global palate. While skillfully managing to maintain the original humble purpose of preserving vegetables, kimchi makers have now accomplished an authentic preference of fancy global taste.

Kimchi Packing

The modern kimchi manufacturers use varieties of cabbages and radishes far superior to those used for kimchi is years past. Each species has its own characteristic flavors. Soil, moisture, the climate (mainly surrounding temperature of the growing field), and the location all have crucial effects on developing the right kind of tender, crisp and pungent flavor-packed cabbages for kimchi. With careful precision, they are selected and picked at precisely the time that will provide the tastiest kimchies.

Traditionally, kimchi is prepared and processed in autumn for long term preservation for the winter months when fresh greens are not accessible. It is packed into earthenware pots after the cabbage is marinated with mixed seasonings, then buried underground in the shady backyard of the house. Therefore, the kimchi pots re kept in constantly cool ambient temperatures during the whole period of a winter while kimchi is consumed.

Kimchi researchers and packers have improved conventional kimchi manufacturing practices and ultimately achieved their long cherished desire for delivering ‘a global kimchi’ to the world markets: accordingly, kimchi makers have developed new varieties of super savory flavors and created aesthetic packs of high quality kimchi that have become ‘a global preference’.

However, there are currently three basic packs of kimchi products in modern super markets: 1) Freshly-packed items of salad type kimchi 2) refrigerated items of pickled kimchi 3) Pasteurized items of shelf stable kimchi. These kimchi products are produced on an industrial scale in modern facilities in response to increasing consumer demand in both domestic and foreign markets.

After the wilting period in brine, the cabbages are carefully washed, drained, sorted, and trimmed then marinated with the spicy seasonings selected to impart authentic flavor. This kimchi is firm, crisp, chili-red in color and refreshingly appetizing. Authentic, original kimchi is the major exception. This is wilted and marinated at the industrial facility by a pickling method using mild seasonings and packed in specially selected container for pasteurization. Throughout the entire process of wilting in brine and marinating for freshly packed and for pasteurized kimchi, meticulous quality control procedures assure atop quality product for the consumer. The kimchi has had a long, long journey for the past 4,000 years.

Today, modern methods produce a superb selection of perfect kimchi for people around the world.

Kimchi Potpourri

There are more a hundred different kinds of kimchies prepared to appeal to every taste and fit in with every serving need. Also, there are many different varieties within the four seasonal groups, as well as the three major processing groups: pasteurized, refrigerated and fresh pack.

Pasteurized can be either fermented or pickled. Fermented kimchi preserved and cured by natural fermentation. Genuine kimchi made from cabbages wilted in special sea salt brine, seasoned with typical kimchi ingredient and mixed spices. Current kimchi is made the same as genuine kimchi except for the long term maturation period. Refrigerated may be made in several ways, including placing wilted cabbages in a pickling solution of spice-mixture and keeping them cool, or using partial fermentation followed by refrigeration to slow the process. Fresh pack kimchi packed in spiced-ingredients plus sour vinegar mixture. This sour-cured type tastes like fresh salad kimchi.

The four seasonally different types vary with its different materials and spice stuffing of each season – spring, summer, autumn and winter. The whole cabbage kichi is packed in conventional spice-mixture stuffing for a long term preservation throughout whole winter months. The autumn kimchi is usually seasoned lighter than that of the winter’s.

The summer kimchi is mainly fresh pack or sour-cured type. The spring kimchi is usually combined with other spring vegetables and stocked fall winter vegetables. Often, they are prepared together as fresh spring pack. In spring, there is also some well stored winter kimchi to be found together with newly processed one. It is not only possible to have kimchi year round as a side dish, condiment or an appetizer, but also a wide range of “cook-with-kimchi” recipes is picking up momentum.

Facts About Kimchi

Kimchi is ready to eat right from its container all year round. Its firm, tender, crisp texture and its zesy, fully refreshing taste makes an exotic popularity. For kimchi eaters, there is not other food that can attain the same appeal as kimchi.

Kimchi satisfies the appetite and is also a perfect relish which enhances the taste of other food: it has 42 mg of vitamin C per 10g, which is more than half of the US government’s recommended daily allowance. It is fascinating to note that when captain James Cook set sail in the 1770′s, he served his seamen a daily portion of fermented, cured cabbage to prevent scurvy, which is now known to be the result of vitamin C deficiency.

Kimchi is high in fiber, a food component usually too low in the average American diet. Fiber also add the bulk necessary for proper digestion.

Kimchi is rich in minerals and vitamins and is an essential source of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and iron, all of which are essential components for human health.

Kimchi is surprisingly low in calories for a food of such nutritional value, with only 33 calories per cup (less than 15 cal/100g). Hence, it provides a great way to lose weight or just keep it off. Kimchi is versatile, and its low cost and east of serving are among the reasons for its popularity.

Kimchi has finally achieved its long-cherished desire of meeting global demand in handy safe containers.

The Versatile Kimchi

Kimchi is versatile, and its natural, healthy, low cost, and ease of serving are among the reasons for its popularity. Kimchi is ready to eat right from the container all year round. Firm, crisp texture and its exotic, refreshing taste make it particularly savory. For many people, there is no other food that can attain the same nutritional value as kimchi. It provides a great way to lose weight or just keep it off.

Kimchi has finally achieved its long-cherished desire of meeting global demand in handy, safe, shelf-stable containers. Kimchi adds zest to all food. Enjoy kimchi with meat, fish, soup, stew, hot-pot, rice and noodles. For all cuisine, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and or all Asian and Western cuisine add kimchi as a super savory side dish.

Information provided by the Korean Embassy.
Kimchi information taken from booklet “Hello from Korea” from the Korean Overseas Information Service and from “New Facts About an Old Myth” from Cheil Jedang Corporation.

kimch - food styling (made by. food stylist 정신우)

2011년 5월 8일 일요일



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